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5 Factors You Must Consider

By 15 May 2015No Comments

Perfect design and perfect colour, this is what we want to be in our tiles that will be place in some parts of our houses. In floor, kitchen, outdoor and outdoor flooring, we want to be installed perfectly and stylish. Here are 5 factors for Design Tiles Rockdale that can give you some ideas how to design using tiles.

Factor 1: Colour

Changing the mood of the room can highlight the good points and unclear its bad points, that is the role of colors. From the counters to walls, tiles can be used to compliment and contrast the color which those on the floor. Tiles can be cut into a quarter and with different colors, you can combine colors for you to choose and what would be the best for your eyes.

Factor 2: Direction

You can do straight joint, brick joint, or patterns such as herringbone, basket weave, contemporary or modern. These are some set of patterns that you do for tiles. You can change direction from straight set to a 4580angle in another room to define different areas of your home. Just modular sizes of tiles to create patterns and change the size define specific areas.

Factor 3: Size

In sizes, just use modular tiles in two or more sizes to create simple multiple pieces and patterns. Change the sizes during the installation to create unique effects so that it can define specific areas or rooms.

Factor 4: Decorative Factory Pieces

You can install tiles in an “area rug” configuration. Using medallions, you can tie in with your home’s architecture. You can also use listellos to border or personalize any room or area.

Factor 5: Relief and Texture

Using various textures together for unique effect, you can design tiles base from your own concept. Tiles can provide the ability to supplement different tiles or stones.

We know that conceptualising your design for your tiles can be a headache for you to have a great and warm ambiance. However, with the right color, direction, size, decoration pieces, and textures, tiles can be created artistically and beautifully. 5 factors for Design Tiles Rockdale are guide for you to have a beautiful and warm home. If you have questions on how and where can you get a quality tile for your house, just visit our website and definitely we will help you in tile needs.


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